Exposition - Fine Art Photography Royal Dualisme Masked 2021

Fine Art Photography Work

Damuthea Arts Presents

Exposition Royal Dualisme Masked 2021

Masked - Fine Arts Photography Laetitia Van Haverbeke Antwerpen Belgium Belgie Belgique

The Art Photographic project **Royal Dualisme Masked** by the Belgian - Antwerp artist Laetitia Van Haverbeke after a concept idea by the well-known psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Persona & Shadow.

In the room of Mirrors on the Meir - August 2021
Schoten Castle - December 2022
The well-known hall of Don Vitalski's Legendary Tuesday Club - 2023

An inspiring and thoughtful concept where people can look at themselves through an artistic mirror.

Through stark contrasts we have exhibited the abstract against the realistic.
Who are we today? Who do we want to be? How do others see us?
What does our inner emotion say and expression through our unconscious brain? Which mask emerges?

An open-minded and self-reflective image that makes people think in an innocent visual way and caresses our minds with our needs. Questioning and artistic in a special way.

Copyright text Jimmy Janssens

Masked - Fine Arts Photography Laetitia Van Haverbeke Antwerpen Belgium Belgie Belgique
Masked - Fine Arts Photography Laetitia Van Haverbeke Antwerpen Belgium Belgie Belgique

Upon purchase you will receive a certificate of authenticity from each Art Photography

The Artist waives all copyright after sale Art Photography **Masked**

Laetitia Van Haverbeke Paleis op de Meir spiegelzaal expositie fameus Gast Zomer Stond Leeg August 2021

Model Renata Koesharto

Exposition - Gast Zomer - Fameus vzw on 28/08/2021 - in the room of mirrors - Palace on the Meir

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